Very Easy "Guess The Number" Game in Python

This is a game where you have to guess the number picked by the computer in the 

range of 1 to 50

The Program Will Keep Running Until The User Guesses the Right Number

It is written in Python 3.8.0


Source Code:

#importing random module for selecting random number between 1 - 50

import random

#computer saving a random number between 1-50 in the variable name "number"

number = random.randrange(1,50)

#User Starts Guessing The Number

guess = int(input("Guess A Number Beetween 1 - 50: "))

#now the program will keep running until the user guesses the right number

while guess != number:
    if number > guess:
        print("You Need To Guess A Higher Number, Try Again!")
        guess = int(input("Guess A Number Beetween 1 - 50: "))
        print("You Need To Guess A Lower Number, Try Again!")
        guess = int(input("Guess A Number Beetween 1 - 50: "))

print("\nCongrats You Guess It Correct!!")        

Thanks For Visiting


Aditya Shrivastava | MyProgramArchives


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